Thursday, March 1, 2012


Not gonna lie, this show's starting to bore me....Never thought I'd say this, but I need some good ole' Sammie/Ronnie drama!

Since Mike seems so hell bent on Giani knowing of his alleged Snookie smush, I'm saying do it & get it over with! I'm sick of the whole subject! She did it, she didn't, whatever. Who cares at this point?

Another thing that annoys me about this show is hearing their boss bitch & complain all the time! Can you imagine how much money he's made from exploiting everything from this show? With all the "DTF", "MVP" & "GTL" tshirts & booty shorts he sells in one summer, along with the publicity he gets from the show? Really dude, be thankful!

And is anyone else totally creeped out by Pauly's stalker? I think there's more to come from this chick.... We can only hope! The shore needs some action!