Well it was nice to see "Bridezilla" Diem finally happy instead of the Prozac Poster Child. But she really had "crazy eyes" during that wedding kiss. Kinda creepy!
But even more creepy was Emily & Camilla's racist little skit.... Did they really do that? I'm still in shock. And I'm not easily shocked.... And is anyone else sick of Emily always blaming her ignorance on her religious-cult like eerie upbringing? I wanted to slap the black right off her racist, creepy face! BLACK FACE! REALLY? And how does Camilla get a free pass? It was her sloppy drunk idea! She's a hot mess!
So we have to wait yet another week to find out whether CJ & Diem have the good sense to throw in Team Mark or Team Johnny, or if they will be cowards. When will these people learn? If you are not in Johnny's close-knit alliance, it's just a matter of time before you're gone. He's slimy, but he plays a smart game. The only way CJ/Diem will see the finals, is if they form an alliance with Team Paula/Dunbar, or Team Tyler/Emily. (if they return) Tic...Tic...Tic